The 'New World Order'
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The New World Order
It's An Evil And Sinister Conspiracy That Involves Very Rich And Powerful People Who Mastermind Events And Control World Affairs Through Governments And Corporations And Are Plotting Mass Population Reduction And The Emergence Of A Totalitarian World Government!   By Using Occult Secret Societies The ILLUMINATI Will Bring All Of The Nations Of This World Together As One.   We'll Have No Recourse But To Submit And Be Under Their Control Utilizing Their Digital Central Bank Currency Or To Reject This Ill-Fated Digital Identification.   The Goal Is UN Agenda 2030!   This Is The Beginning Of The End!

Are We Nearing the End Times?

Did you know all the signs Christ said would signify His second coming are occurring in our time?

When Jesus' disciples asked what would signal His return, He gave them several signs to watch for. He also taught that the time immediately before His coming would be known as the "beginning of sorrows" (Matt. 24:8), which in English means the "onset of labor pains."
Jesus was saying the signs of His coming would start out as mild pangs spaced widely apart like human labor and then gradually become closer together and more intense, like the birth process, until this final seven-year period of suffering and judgment would culminate in the coming of the Messiah.

The Signs

Consider the signs that Jesus said would be the prelude to His return and notice how they've begun to occur in our time:

False Christs: The past few decades have witnessed a huge upsurge in charismatic leaders claiming to be Christ, including the Moonies' Rev. Sun Moon, the Buddhist Dalai Lama, the Hindu Krishnamurti, the Jewish rabbi Menachem Schneerson, and the Bahais' Baha Ullah, to name a few. Collectively, their followers number in the millions. . Jesus replied to them, "See that none misleads you; for many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many." Matt. 24:4,5

War: War in the original Greek of Matthew 24 is ethnos, meaning ethnic or racial war. A recent editorial in Time magazine reported there are presently 67 wars being fought around the planet and most of them are ethnic wars, including the recent slaughter in Rwanda and Bosnia. According to the National Defense Council Foundation, conflicts around the globe have doubled since 1989. "... you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars..." Matt. 24:6,7

Famine: The LA Times reported recently that more than one billion people suffer from serious malnutrition, exacerbated in the past months by worldwide drought. More than 35 million people living mostly in the southern states of Africa suffer from acute hunger and are threatened with imminent death. "There will be famines..." Matt. 24:7.

Pestilence: The rate of infectious diseases has increased 58% since 1980, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Diseases once considered conquered are now reappearing, sometimes in drug-resistant forms. AIDS has become a worldwide scourge, and viral diseases such as Ebola pose an international threat because of transcontinental flight. "There will be pestilences." Matt. 24:7.

Earthquakes: The number of dangerous earthquakes measuring 6.0 or greater on the Richter scale has been steadily increasing since the 1950s when there were nine. In the 1960s, there were 13. In the 1970s, 51. In the 1980s, 86. In the 1990s more than100 such serious earthquakes have already been recorded, according to the LA Herald Examiner. "There will be...earthquakes in various places." Matt. 24:7.

The Seas and Waves Roaring: The Associated Press reports that the most recently completed Atlantic hurricane season produced 11 hurricanes, 8 tropical storms, and $7.7 billion in damage. Serious flooding has also occurred recently in the U.S., Russia, Japan, Mexico, China, Europe, Korea, and the United Kingdom, according to Barron's. "There will be bewilderment at the roaring of the sea and waves." Luke 21:25.

Violence: Since 1960 violent crime has increased in the U.S. by 560%, according to FBI statistics, and the number of reported cases of child abuse in the U.S. has risen from 670,000 in 1976 to nearly 3 million in the 1990s. Other nations are experiencing similar dramatic increases in violent crime, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. " the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Mt. 24:37. ("And God said unto Noah, '...the earth is filled with violence...'" Gen. 6:13.)

Gospel Preached to the Whole World: Christian radio and TV are now reaching into almost every nook and cranny of planet Earth. "...and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world and then the end shall come." Mt. 24:14.

All of the signs that Jesus said would precede His return seem to be occurring in our time.

Other Prophecies Fulfilled

  1. Other prophecies relating to this seven-year period of judgment, coming from many parts of the Bible, have also begun to be fulfilled:
  2. Israel reborn as a nation in 1948 (Ezek. 4:3-6, Lev. 26:18)
  3. Israel surrounded by hostile Arab countries ( Psalm 83:4-8)
  4. Jerusalem inhabited by the Jews (Luke 21:24)
  5. Israel negotiates a peace treaty with her enemies (Daniel 9:27)
  6. Doomsday weapons threaten earth (Joel 2:3)
  7. Ecological devastation occurs (Rev. 11:18)
  8. The Roman Empire revives as the European Union (Daniel 2:40-44)
  9. Heresies become widespread (II Thess. 2:3)
  10. Russia rises as a military power (Ezek. 38:1-12)
  11. A hole in the ozone layer develops (Rev. 16:8.9)
  12. TV communications are global (Revelation 11:9,10)
  13. Cultic activity arises (I Tim. 4:1)
  14. Sub-dermal microchips for identification purposes (Rev. 13:16,17)
  15. Massive increases in wealth occur (Jas. 5:3)
  16. GATT and World Trade Organization become possible forerunners of a world government (Rev. 13:7)
  17. Asia possesses resources for a 200-million-man army (Rev. 9:14-16)
  18. The Euphrates River can be dried up (Rev. 16:12-v 14) and a military highway linking Asia to the Middle East is being completed (Rev. 9:14)
  19. Knowledge vastly increases (Dan. 12:4)
  20. Russian and Ethiopian Jews return to Israel (Jer. 23:7,8; Zeph. 3:10)
  21. The Hebrew language is recovered (Zeph. 3:9)
  22. Jerusalem is rebuilt in nine specific directions (Jer. 31:38-40)
  23. Levites and priests train for Temple service (Ezek. 43:14,15)
  24. Israel's rainfall increases dramatically (Joel 2:23) and the country becomes fertile and blossoms (Isa. 27:6)
  25. Men become more selfish, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, fierce and treacherous (II Tim. 3:2,3)

Where We Fit In

Referring to these signs, Jesus said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:24-28).
If we are approaching that seven-year period that precedes the second coming of Christ - and all the signs indicate we are - the Bible tells us those years of judgment upon the earth will be accompanied by untold human suffering.
But believers in Christ who have sincerely placed their trust in Him can be certain of the redemption to which Jesus referred. .
So where does that leave you? Are you one of God's children who's been called to believe in His Son but has rejected each invitation? Where are you going to spend eternity?
Jesus told us that "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John. 3:16). But He went on to say that "...he who does not believe is already condemned because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God" (John. 3:18).

Is it too late for you to find salvation?

Not yet. God designed an offering, His only Son died a miserable death on a cross so that our sins could be blotted out in our Creator's sight and we could be reconciled to Him.
All we have to do is accept His Son as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. By doing this our loving Father promised that, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor heart imagined the wonderful things God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor. 2:9).
Would you like to receive those "wonderful things" in the everlasting life Christ promised His followers? Do you want to know how to accept God's Son? It's simple. All you have to do is sincerely pray this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins and I want to turn away from my wrongdoing. Right now I'm inviting you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You, making You my Lord and Savior. Amen."

Artificially Intelligent Security Cameras Are Spotting Crimes Before They Happen

Hal 9000  2001: A Space Odyssey

Next time you see a surveillance camera following you down an alleyway, don't be too sure that there's a human watching.

Surveillance camera companies are increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically identify and detect problematic and criminal behavior as it happens — everything from public intoxication to trespassing.

An automated camera system called AIsight (pronounced eyesight), installed in Boston after the 2013 marathon bombing, monitors camera feeds in real time and alerts authorities if it spots unusual activity, according to Bloomberg.

AIsight cameras use a statistical method called machine learning to "learn what is normal for an area and then alerts on abnormal activity," according to its creator, Behavioral Recognition System Labs.

Slate reports that could mean picking up anything from "unusual loitering to activity occurring in restricted areas."

"We are recognizing a precursor pattern that may be associated with a crime that happens," Wesley Cobb, chief science officer at the company, told Bloomberg. "Casing the joint, poking around where he shouldn't be, going around looking at the back entrances to buildings."

And these systems aren't just looking for criminals. In early August, West Japan Railway installed 46 security cameras that can "automatically search for signs of intoxication" in passengers at the Kyobashi train station in Osaka, Japan, according to Wall Street Journal.

The AI watches for people stumbling, napping on benches, or standing motionless on the platform for long periods of time before lurching to move. The system can then alert human attendants if the person is in danger of falling on the tracks or hurting themselves.

Drunken passengers frequently fall or stumble off the train platform. West Japan Railway conducted a study that found 60% of the 221 people hit by trains in Japan in 2013 were intoxicated, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Using AI in surveillance systems makes sense — AI can catch what humans miss, operate around the clock, never get tired, or fall asleep on the job. But it raises concerns with "privacy and civil liberties advocates," because it "treats everyone as a potential criminal and targets people for crimes they have not yet committed," according to Slate.

Stuart Russell, AI researcher at University of California, Berkeley and co-author of the standard textbook "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach," thinks intelligent "watching" programs will likely freak people out more than a human monitor does, even though& most people would reasonably expect they were being watched if they encounter a surveillance camera.

"What if there's an AI system, which actually can understand everything that you're doing?" Russell told Tech Insider. "Would that feel different from a human watching directly? I expect people are going to feel differently about that once they're aware that AI systems can watch through a camera and can, in some sense, understand what it's seeing."

This is just one of the many security and privacy issues that courts will have to grapple with as AI improves in the coming years, like the legality of AI that can buy up tickets, and then scalp them online.

Amazon Go: Convenience Checkout-Free Shopping

Lines form in Seattle to be among the first to try checkout-free shopping

SEATTLE — Amazon's checkout line-free convenience store Amazon Go opened Monday morning in Seattle to crowds of press and the curious.

At least 100 would-be shoppers gathered in 41-degree weather to be the first to shop in the store.

Amazon employees walked down the line of those waiting to hand out bright orange Amazon Go shopping bags. As shoppers got to the door of the store, an employee checked to make sure they had the Amazon Go app correctly downloaded and the QR code up on their screen.

Shoppers scan the app on the electronic readers at the entrance turnstiles, then walk in and grab whatever they want. 

They can stick their purchases in their pockets, a bag or a pack — Amazon's Just Walk Out technology knows what they've taken, and what they've put back.

Shopper and tech worker Yuval Fleming was so eager to try it out that he happily stood in line in the dark Seattle morning, where sunrise didn't come until 47 minutes after the store opened its doors to the public for the first time at 7:00 am.

"This is the future of grocery shopping. It's exciting to see the technology in action," he said.

When his turn to shop came, Fleming walked in, grabbed a six pack of Elysian beer, a local Seattle brand, and a mug emblazoned with the tag line Just Walk Out shopping.

When he was done, he simply walked out the exit turnstile and his account was charged.

His total trip time, as tracked by his app? 51 seconds.

The Amazon Go convenience store and its proprietary technology, made up of hundreds of cameras and sensors, require that shoppers have an Amazon account and download a special Amazon Go app.

The space is the size of a regular convenience store, though with a high-end assortment of foods. They include chilled beverages, sweets, snacks, ready-made salads and sandwiches, frozen foods and a wall of meal kits for dinners.

The foods sits on shelves full of hidden sensors that note when an item's been removed or when it's been put back. Hundreds of cameras, painted matte black to blend in with the ceiling, capture movement.

Amazon has been working on the technology that powers the Amazon Go store for about five years and opened the store to staff for beta testing in 2016. It was supposed to open to the public in 2017 but getting the bugs worked out proved trickier than expected. 

Most visitors Monday morning were buying snacks and items simply for the novelty of getting to try out the technology. By 8:00 am stockers were already replenishing the Amazon Just Walk Out mugs and bags, which had been cleared out by the eager crowd.

Does The Antichrist Die And Come Back To Life?

In the middle of the Tribulation the Antichrist will go to war with some of the nations. Scripture tells us he will be “mortally wounded.” This will happen simultaneously with Satan’s final removal from heaven. But Satan resuscitates him from the dead and he is left blind in the right eye and one of his arms will “completely wither.” But because he is “miraculously” resuscitated back to life the world will worship him even more and convince many that he is the promised messiah.” At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through.

He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon. He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape. He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.

But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him” (Daniel 11:40-45).

“And the LORD said to me, “Next, take for yourself the implements of a foolish shepherd. For indeed I will raise up a shepherd in the land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand. But he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces.

Woe to the worthless shepherd [the Antichrist], who leaves the flock! A sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye; his arm shall completely wither, and his right eye shall be totally blinded” (Zechariah 11:15-17).

“And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast” (Revelation 13:3).

While the whole world thinks that he is dead, the Bible says that he “goes on in his sin” influencing world events and leaders. His head wound is healed and he still speaks with power and skill despite his head wound. He has taken care of himself and he appears “more stout” than others his age. He is quietly waiting for the right moment to reappear as the “resurrected” messiah to save the world in a time of crisis.

Antichrist will graciously accept the world’s bidding to take over the reins of government to extract the world and its economy from wars and depression. He will bring temporary peace and prosperity to the world.

Body Check

(Dynamic structured light acquisition techniques use a set of lines projected onto an object of interest to generate a 3D surface. Fingerprints or facial scans can be acquired using this method without the need for contact, making acquisition possible from a distance)

In recent years a number of countries have initiated biometric schemes aimed at protecting their borders. Although they are typically launched amid claims that they will accelerate the immigration process, this isn't always their central purpose, and frequently the new systems culminate in long queues.

Back in 2002 Australia unveiled its plans for SmartGate, a system that uses biometric facial recognition technology linked to the passenger's e-passport.

Recent travellers in the US may have been taken by surprise by a new biometric security system in place at key airports, which requires ten fingerprints for identification. Clear Cards, which carry biometric information, have been used by Americans since 2005.

CLEAR is a private program that uses biometrics — your identity is verified through a scan of your iris or fingerprints, depending on which image is most distinctive. Clear’s biometric identity verifier is now in 24 airports (34 soon) and eight sports stadiums.

Clear ID Pass document is available to US citizens and permanent residents. In addition, to the documents required to apply for the ID, applicants were required to submit digital images of their fingerprints and iris scans, as well as a digital photo before they are issued the document. Clear then "creates and stores a template, or mathematical representation, of the fingerprints and iris images, to create a unique biometric ID of the Member." All of the data submitted by the applicant is sent to TSA, which creates an applicant's "security threat assessment" based upon a background check that's included its controversial "no-fly lists." After the verification process, each approved applicant is issued a “card” that allows them to access designated airport security fast lanes for processing through security at airports nationwide. The card also gives access to discount parking and speedy entry into major sports venues.

Dubai has established e-gates where registered passengers swipe an ID card and pass through a fingerprint scan, and the Netherlands has introduced Privium, a paid-for iris scanning service that offers a range of benefits, including lounge access and fast-track check-in.


Now e-Borders (electronic borders), a programme run by the UK Home Office's UK Border Agency at a likely total cost of £1.2bn, aims to tighten security at the country's borders. e-Borders is a joint programme run in partnership with the police and intelligence agencies. It requires commercial carriers and owners, or operators, of all vessels to submit detailed passenger, service and crew data in advance of their departure to and from the UK.

Julie Gillis, programme director for e-Borders, explains: "Border control is undergoing the biggest shake up in border security for over 40 years. This includes fingerprinting people before they arrive; a strong new force at the border; counting people in and out of the country, and ID cards for foreign nationals.

"Part of this shake up is the introduction of the e-Borders system. e-Borders itself is about the collection of data on travellers, allowing us to check that the right people are coming into the UK, as well as looking at the people going out. We are committed to collecting 100 million passenger movements by April 2009."

Project Semaphore, which was the operational prototype for e-Borders, ran from January 2005 to April 2008 and captured a total of 50 million passenger movements. Its function, according to Gillis, "was to de-risk the main programme. The prototype was a real success from a de-risking perspective because we learned many lessons on how to work effectively with suppliers and service providers, for example IBM." 102 carriers are already signed up and more than 180 routes covered. More than 1,800 arrests have been made at airports as a result of information gleaned from Semaphore.

Other UKBA initiatives include the use of biometrics to tighten security at the UK border and expedite the journey of legitimate travellers.

For example, fingerprints are now being taken from every visa applicant, enabling the UK authorities to check against watchlists to ascertain if the applicant is a failed asylum seeker or has previously been removed from the country. There was an initial downturn in demand at an individual post level when fingerprinting was introduced but there has since been a recovery to previous levels of demand.

The agency also embarked on a trial of biometric gates known as MiSense, a 16-week experiment at Heathrow in which about 3,000 travellers helped it to undertake the most comprehensive test of biometrically enabled access carried out in the UK to date. "The pilot enabled us to demonstrate how self-service kiosks might accommodate biometric technology, and how best to capture passenger details and register them, giving access to controlled areas," explains Gillis.

"We set ourselves high standards but it allowed us to link a single travel experience from check-in, entry to the security area, boarding the aircraft and automated border clearance." However, Gillis describes MiSense as 'a contained trial' and a decision has since been made to take it no further. Gillis adds that the agency has a number of other automated services in place or under investigation.

IRIS – iris recognition immigration system

Iris Recognition Immigration System (IRIS) is perhaps the best known constituent of the e-Borders Programme. Instead of queuing at immigration, a passenger who has registered can simply pass through the IRIS machine. At present there is one IRIS system at each of Heathrow's terminals 1, 2 and 4, two at terminal 3, and two further installations planned for Terminal 5. Gatwick North and South, Birmingham terminal 1, and Manchester 1 and 2 have also been fitted out with IRIS points of entry.

In addition to offering a clear security benefit – the database is cross-referenced against information stored by other agencies across the country – Gillis claims it is also a way of cutting queues and speeding up passenger flow for what she calls trusted travellers. Since the launch of the voluntary IRIS programme in 2006, 217,000 people have enrolled.

IRIS has experienced setbacks, however. It is necessary to register at the relevant office and, despite each participating airport stating specific times, enrolment offices are not always open.

Another problem is that the IRIS machines haven't always worked in the past. Although these technical issues appear to have been resolved, Gillis admits that IRIS may in future be replaced with an updated system.

"We've been looking at Trusted Traveller schemes, similar to IRIS, but we're looking for those to be privately funded rather than funded by the UK government," she says. "It's a similar system. You enroll, provide details in advance, ensure you fit the criteria and then use the automated system to enter the UK."

The Department for Transport estimates that if travel continues in line with current trends, 400-600 million passengers a year will pass through UK airports by 2030 (compared with 200 million in 2003). Against this background, and with IRIS becoming more popular, there is also a question of how effectively the system will cope under the increasing burden.

Gillis says the agency is looking at several options including facial recognition and fingerprinting. "The e-passport scheme we're looking at will use biometric information contained in the chip of all the UK passports in circulation issued after 2006," she says. "Passengers simply insert the document into a reader at the gate, which will make some checks, and a matched passenger is then allowed in. A similar system is in place in Portugal. We're looking into whether it would be appropriate for the UK environment."

The Future Fuhrer

Fuhrer means "leader" and it is one of the better-known titles of Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator of Nazi Germany. The mere mention of his title quickly conjures up bad memories. It is permanently tied to the evil leader who gave us the Third Reich, the Gestapo, the Storm Troopers, the Hitler Youth, the Society of German Maidens and other despicable groups. It spurs images of World War II: the arming of 70 million troops worldwide, the death of about 17 million troops, the death of about 20 million Soviet citizens, and so many more from other nations; no one really knows how many perished. Fuhrer or "leader" also reminds people of the swastika, goose-steping German troops, concentration camps, death camps, the ovens of Auschwitz, the bombing of England, the ruins of Europe, famine, fire, pestilence and large national debts. It reminds people of the depraved man who touched off the world's darkest hour. But the wicked fuhrer of WW II was just a forewarning of the final fuhrer, and the disaster the first fuhrer caused will pale in comparison to what the Bible says the final fuhrer will bring in. John said, "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer" (Revelation 6:2). The bow was a weapon of war and a symbol of military power in John's day. The antichrist will' appear with a bow in his hand, but he will have no arrows. Daniel said, "by peace shall [he] destroy many" (Daniel 8:25).

What will the World Be Like When the Antichrist Appears?

When addressing this, the Apostle Paul used the phrase "perilous times" (2 Timothy 3:1). "Perilous times" includes war, and one of the signs of the last days that Jesus talked about is "wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6). While the antichrist is negotiating peace and consolidating his power, God will release a second horse and rider. John said, "there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword" (Revelation 6:4). The second rider will bring war to the earth. "Perilous times" also includes "economic disaster." While the antichrist is boasting about having solutions to the world's problems, God will release a third horse and rider. John said, "I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" (Revelation 6:5, 6). While the third rider will bring economic collapse to the world, the fourth rider will bring death to millions. John said, "I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:8).

The Antichrist's Characteristics:

I. He will be possessed of extraordinary intelligence. In Daniel 7:20 he is represented as "A horn that had eyes." It is a double symbol. The "horn" prefigures strength; "eyes" speak of intelligence. Again, in Daniel 8:23 he is referred to as "A King of fierce countenance." who shall "understand dark sentences." That which baffles others shall be simple to him. The Hebrew word here translated "dark sentences" is the same as the one rendered "hard questions". It indicates that the Antichrist will be master of all the secrets of occult science. This will be one of his most alluring attractions. His master mind will captivate the educated world. His marvelous store of knowledge, his acquaintance with the secrets of nature, his superhuman powers of perception, will stamp him as an intellectual genius of the first magnitude.

II. In Daniel 7:20 we are told that he has "a mouth that spake very great things." He will have a mouth speaking very great things. He will have a perfect command and flow of language. His oratory will not only gain attention but command respect. Revelation 13:2 declares that his mouth is "as the mouth of a lion" which is a symbolic expression telling of the majesty and awe producing effects of his voice. The voice of the lion excels that of any other beast. So the Antichrist will out rival orators ancient and modern.

III. He will emerge from obscurity, but by dint of his diplomatic skill he will win the admiration and compel the cooperation of the political world. In the early stages of his career he appears as "a little horn" (or power), but it is not long before he climbs the ladder of fame, and by means of brilliant statesmanship, ascends its topmost rung. Like the majority of politicians, he will not scruple to employ questionable methods; in fact it will be by diplomatic chicanery and intrigue that he will win his early successes. Daniel 11:21 tells us that at first they will not give to him the honor of the kingdom, but "he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries." Once he gains the ascendancy none will dare to challenge his authority.

IV. "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand" (Dan. 8:25). Under his regime everything will be nationalized, and none will be able to buy or sell without his permission (Rev. 13:17). All commerce will be under his personal control, and this will be used for his own aggrandizement. The wealth of the world will be at his disposal. There are several scriptures which call attention to this. In Daniel 11:38 we are told, "But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces (Satan): and a god whom his fathers knew not shall be honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things." Even plainer is Daniel 11:43, "But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt." In the last verse of Daniel 11 mention is made of his "palace." Ezekiel. 28:4, 5 speaks of him thus, "With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures: By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches."

V. He will be endowed with the most extraordinary powers, so that "he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people" (Dan. 8:24). Before his exploits the fame of Alexander and Napoleon will be forgotten. None will be able to stand before him. He will go "forth conquering and to conquer" (Rev. 6:2). He will sweep everything before him so that the world will exclaim, "Who is like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Rev. 13:4). His military exploits will not be confined to a corner, but carried out on a vast scale. He is spoken of as the man who will "shake kingdoms" and "make the earth to tremble" (Isa. 14:16).

VI. He will weld together opposing forces. He will unify conflicting agencies. Under the compelling power of his skill the world Powers will be united. The dream of a League of Nations will then be realized. A marvelous symbolic picture of this is given us in Revelation 13:1,2: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." Here we find the forces of the Roman, the Grecian, the Medo-Persian, and the Babylonian empires coalesced. He will be the personal embodiment of the world's political authority in its final form. So completely will the world be swayed by the hypnotic spell cast over it by the Beast that the ten kings of the Roman empire in its ultimate form shall "give their kingdoms unto him" (Rev. 17:17). He will be the last great Caesar.

VII. He will proclaim himself God, demanding that Divine honors should be rendered to him and sitting in the Temple shall show himself forth that he is God (2 Thess. 2:4). Such wonders will he perform, such prodigious marvels will he work, the very elect would be deceived by him did not God directly protect them. The Man of Sin will combine in himself all the varied genius of the human race, and what is more, he will be invested with all the wisdom and power of Satan. He will be a master of science, acquainted with all of nature's forces, compelling her to give up for him her long held secrets. "In this master-piece of Satan," says one, "will be concentrated intellectual greatness, sovereign power and human glory, combined with every species of iniquity, pride, tyranny, willfulness, deceit, and blasphemy." "All the world wondered after the Beast" (Rev. 13:3). His final triumph shall be that men will readily pay him Divine homage, yea, so great will be his dazzling power over men, they will worship his very image (Rev. 13:14,15).

This coming world leader will begin by exerting control over ten nations which were once part of the Roman Empire   . . .

             "The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from [out of]
              this kingdom [the Roman Empire ... could be 10 nations out of the European Union)
              And another shall rise after them;
              he [the Antichrist] shall be different from the first ones,
              and shall subdue three kings [or nations] . . ."  
              (Dan 7:24)

"Shall be different"... we don't know what nationality this man will be, or what might make him "different."  In one verse he is described as 'the Assyrian' (an area around Syria and Iraq).  This man will quickly consolidate power over 10 nations (probably European) and then over the whole world through treaties and war.  God warns this man will be empowered by Satan.  He will lead the world into the terrors of the Apocalypse.  The world will view him as a great leader and a man of peace.  This man will be Satan's counterfeit messiah. He will use deception and lies to "spin" his web of deceit and to conceal his true motives.

The Beast:  The Rise of Satan's Anti-christ . . .

             "Then I stood on the sand of the sea.
              And I saw a beast
              rising up out of the sea,
              having seven heads and ten horns,
              and on his horns ten crowns,
              [The book of Daniel explains these represent 10 nations he will rule]
              and on his heads a blasphemous name . . .
              The dragon [Satan] gave him his power,
              his throne, and great authority."
              (Rev 13:1,2)

             "The coming of the lawless one
               is according to the working of Satan,
              with all power, signs [miracles], and lying wonders"
              (II Th 2:9-10)

             "It was granted to him to make war with the saints
              and to overcome them.
              And authority was given him
              over every tribe, tongue, and nation."
              [This "leader" will dominate "World" governments]
              (Rev 13:7)

We are told quite a bit about this coming world leader, who will someday soon rise in power . . .

     -  He will be indwelt and empowered by Satan
     -  He will rise to power over 10 nations [from the old Roman Empire ... Europe?
     -  He will somehow be 'diverse from the rest' so we are not certain he will be European
     -  He will bring peace, yet conquer through treaties and war
     -  He will be very, very popular around the world
     -  He will be a great talker and speech maker
     -  He will likely be charismatic and is called the king of fierce countenance
     -  He will enforce a "peace" plan or resolution [covenant] upon nation Israel
         [It doesn't say he signs this treaty, but he enforces some coming 'peace plan' or resolution]
     -  He will appear to perform miracles ("lying signs and wonders")
     -  He will require that everybody on Earth receive a mark or identification on their
           forehead or hand and nobody will legally be able to buy or sell without it 
     -  He will declare he is "God"
     -  Unspeakable terror and war will then engulf Earth for exactly 3Ð… years (1260 days)
     -  He will direct the slaughter of millions
     -  He will lead the armies of the world into Israel . . . Armageddon.

A Second Beast will Rise.

The coming Antichrist will have a partner - the false prophet . . .

             "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the Earth,
              and he had two horns like a lamb
              and spoke like a dragon.
              And he exercises all the authority
              of the first beast [the Anti-christ] in his presence,
              and causes the Earth and those who dwell in it
              to worship the first beast [the Anti-christ],
              whose deadly wound was healed."
              (Rev 13:11-12)

This powerful leader will rise to power with the Antichrist.  In this prophecy God reveals some important information and details concerning this man ...
"Two horns like a lamb,", but "spoke like a dragon" tells us he will be controlled and directed by Satan.  This person, along with the religious system he will lead, is referred to as "The Woman Who Rides the Beast" in the book of Revelation.  This evil, blood-thirsty "one-world" religion appears to rise out of Rome.

The "Image of the Beast" . . .

             "He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast,
              that the image of the beast should both speak
              and cause as many as would not worship
              the image of the beast to be killed."
              (Rev 13:15)

This false prophet will create some sort of an "image" representing the Anti-christ.  All those who refuse to worship it will be executed.